24 Lessons from 2024: A Year of Less But Better
Each year brings many lessons — some hard-earned — others delightful surprises.
As this year comes to a close, I’ve been in deep reflection mode.
I thought it might be fun, interesting or insightful to share some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in the hope that they inspire you to reflect on your year.
I have to confess the most recent lessons are freshest in my mind so I’m starting in reverse order:
Photo by Lynden Foss
1. Celebrate The Small Wins
Admittedly, this is something I am continuing to learn and improve upon. However, I’ve seen the results first hand. Every Friday, my team and I celebrate 3 wins from the week. It’s such a great way to close off the week. Also, this simple practice has been creating some amazing accountability inside a dedicated Focus Group within Design & Grow.
Try: At the end of each day or week, write down 3 wins – personal or professional. We all deserve a pat on the back.
2. Lean Into What Feels Good
It’s so easy to become disconnected from our intuition. Yet it’s such a powerful teacher — in creativity, design, parenting and many of life’s biggest decisions.
Ask: “What is my inner knowing telling me right now?”
3. Notice The Patterns
I had an a-ha moment about what it means to self-sabotage recently. It always seemed like some far-off idea. Do people really do this? But then I got an email from one of my students and I realised. Oh, this is EXACTLY that – jumping from one drama to another. And it made me question how it might show up for me. And why we do this… turns out it’s our way of keeping ourselves safe.
If we circle in a certain type of behaviour we don’t have to face the discomfort of change or growth. By jumping from one crisis or emergency to another, we avoid the hard work of confronting our fears, stepping out of our comfort zones, or making decisions that might lead to something greater. It's like creating a loop where we stay in a familiar place — even if it’s not ideal — because the unknown feels too risky.
Try This: Notice the patterns of your own behaviour. Awareness is the first step to break the cycle. Ask yourself: "What am I avoiding?"
[I’ll keep the rest short – but wanted to share those in more detail as they had a big impact, especially the last one!]
4. The Power of Real-Life Connection
I didn’t realise just how much I needed real-life connection with others who are on a similar journey to me. And how you can sometimes learn so much in person that it can take a year to learn virtually. I had the same feedback from others who took the time to join me as I travelled to the USA and UK. Thank you to everyone who took the time to meet in person. It was such an incredible experience. More coming in 2025!
5. Define What Done Looks Like
If you have perfectionist tendencies, it’s so important to define the end point. Otherwise, we can fill all available time with a task.
Tip: Define what “done” looks like for your tasks before you start. Also, set a clear time limit too.
6. Make It Easy
Oh, how we can overcomplicate things! I think this is a trait of most creatives. We always want to add complexity when simplicity is so much easier and often much more effective too.
Ask: How can I make this easy?
7. Less, But Better
My word for 2024 was “Simplicity” and I have kept this as a focus for the year. We sold our caravan, I sold my car and I simplified my workload. There are some other big changes, which will be announced soon too.
Try This: Whenever I have an idea (you know, those brilliant creative ideas we all have!) I always remind myself: If you’re going to put something ON your plate, you need to take something OFF your plate. So, what are you going to take off?
8. Focus On Data, Not Drama
So many decisions can be answered with data. What to post on Instagram? Look at your best performing posts, and do more of that. Want to get more leads? See where your last ones came from. We don’t need to start from scratch. The answer is often right in front of you.
9. Know Your Numbers — Especially If You're A Woman
I was always good with numbers when I was younger. I remember saving up for my first CD player. And slowly over the years, this skill of saving and tracking slipped away. But it’s so important to know your numbers, especially if you’re a woman… and a creative business owner.
Do This: Divide the amount of money you earned in 2024 by the number of hours you worked to work out your actual hourly rate. Not sure how many hours you worked? If you worked a full-time job for 50 weeks, use 2000 as your dividing number.
10. Expand Your Community
This year I made a conscious effort to make more friends in my local community. My family is soccer made right now so I joined a women’s soccer team and it has been so much fun to create connections in my local community.
Try This: Sign up to a local club or community organisation in 2025. You won’t regret it! Promise.
11. Read A Book
Research shows our attention spans are declining. We are re-wiring our brains to only be able to skim information. Yet there are so many benefits from picking up a book and immersing yourself in a longer, more focused form of content. Reading a book helps to strengthen concentration, improve memory, and stimulate creativity.
Do This: Make time for a book — it’s an investment in your mental clarity and growth.
12. Build Your Strength
Did you know that after the age of 40, muscle mass starts to decline at a rate of about 3-8% per decade? This loss in muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, can have real health implications, including a decrease in mobility, strength, and even an increased risk of falls or injuries. This year I have been focussed on strength training as part of my weekly routine.
Try This: Incorporate simple movements such as push-ups and pull-ups into your exercise routine. Also, increase your protein intake — we add chia to our porridge every morning, for example.
13. Do What You Love
Recently I styled a client’s home and enjoyed the process so much. I loved seeing the transformation of the ‘before’ and ‘after’.
Tip: Have a creative date with yourself – reconnect with something you haven’t done in some time. Notice how it makes you feel.
14. Notice What Comes Easily
It’s easy to take for granted what we already know. I often think that everyone can “see” spaces. But not everyone has this skill – or hasn’t practised it enough. I still get surprised when clients compliment what I’ve created.
Tip: If you have a business, lean into what comes easily. Delete or delegate the rest.
15. It’s Okay To Change
News alert: I recently bought a blue blouse. Before you think, “so what?” — this was a big deal for me as I haven’t bought anything of colour for about five years! It’s a classic pencil thin pin stripe so nothing too outrageous but I had a long conversation with myself in the change room before I gave myself permission to buy it. So what I learned: allow your style to evolve over time.
Permission Slip: This is your permission slip to do something you don’t normally do. Experiment and have fun.
16. Consistency Pays Off
So often we think it’s the big bold changes that reap the greatest rewards, but I have seen time and time again how small consistent action yields the greatest results.
Ask: What is one thing you can be consistent with this coming year?
17. Balance Isn’t About Perfection
I don’t believe in perfection. I avoid using the word as much as possible. Because it doesn’t really exist. Instead, I focus on improvement… How can I improve this space? How can I improve my boundaries? How can I improve my relationships?
Try This: Embrace more perfectly imperfect action this year. Don’t let perfectionism hold you back.
18. Invest in Your Growth
This year I got a mentor… not because I need someone with all the answers or to hold my hand but because when someone is further ahead on your journey they can shortcut your journey, saving you a huge amount of time and getting you results faster – but they can give you some pieces of advice that can change everything for you.
Tip: Seek opportunities to learn and grow this year – listen to a podcast, buy a book, meet up with local business owners on a regular basis or find other ways to invest in yourself.
19. They Were Right
I can be a skeptic sometimes. It’s the former journalist in me. And sometimes we just have to try things our own way to come to the same conclusion. The lesson: less but better (again).
Tip: Know your worth, and what creates true value.
20. Become An Apprentice
This year I’ve taken on a design project that has been a big learning curve – and I’m loving every minute.
Tip: You are never too old or young to learn new things.
21. Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People
I have met and collaborated with some people this year who have helped me grow and evolve and it is a reminder for the introvert in me to get out of my own way!
Tip: Step into your discomfort to grow and evolve.
22. Believe Them The First Time
What is the saying? When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Yes, yes and yes.
Tip: For fellow empaths, protect your energy and set clear boundaries.
23. Embrace Updates in Technology
I fell in love with Chat GPT this year. It has helped me in so many ways — design, content creation, accounting and more. For the record, I’ve also tried Claude but still prefer Chat GPT — perhaps because I’ve used it so much that it knows my preferences and style.
Try This: Next time you write something (email, Instagram caption…) enter it into Chat GPT and say “Improve this copy” and see what it suggests.
24. Embrace Sacred White Space
This is something that I slipped off the wagon slightly this year. I know how much better I feel when I create more white space in my days and weeks.
Try This: Turn off your phone for a whole day at least once a week. Notice how you feel.
BONUS: Enjoy the Journey
I often tend to be forward focussed, rarely looking back. However, I’ve learned that it’s so important to reflect. And I am getting better at enjoying the journey along the way.
2024 has been a year of invaluable lessons, and I encourage you to reflect on your own journey.
Thank you for being part of this incredible community. Here’s to continued inspiration, learning, and growth in 2025!
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